Drain Cleaning

Your East Valley Drain Cleaning Specialists

For all your drain cleaning needs in Mesa, BSJ Plumbing LLC has got your back.

For the past several years, we've been recognized as the top Arizona plumbing company. People love us because they know we're committed to results, we're dedicated to ensuring satisfaction, and we're extremely knowledgeable and experienced in our craft. It's no wonder why BSJ Plumbing LLC is so well-known around Gilbert.

One particularly popular service in the area is our drain cleaning package. Your home's drains can become clogged and gunked up by all kinds of nastiness, such as bathroom residue, toilet paper, hair trimmings, and more. Hard water can also cause mineral deposits to gather on the interior of these pipes. All this combined can lead to your drains and pipes being completely blocked up, leading to significant plumbing problems down the road.

Call 480-325-0886 for Drain Cleaning Service in Chandler and Mesa
Drain Cleaning Specialists

Some Clogs Need the Help of a Professional Plumber

Fortunately, a good drain cleaning could be the solution. Our drain cleaning package involves us getting our hands dirty and truly scrubbing out the interior of your home's drains and pipes. We'll make sure they're as good as new once we're finished, and your drains will be functioning properly once again.

With our drain cleaning package, as well as all our plumbing services, we want to make sure that you're completely happy with our work. That's why, after we're finished our service, we invite you to take a look at our results. If for any reason you're unhappy with our work (which we highly doubt will happen), we want to know about it. Once we're made aware, we'll start working on providing you with a quick and effective solution. Our job isn't done until we know you're happy.

Signs You Need a Drain Cleaning

Signs You Need a Drain Cleared

Blocked or poorly functioning drains can be a major source of frustration for homeowners in the Mesa area. The larger and more stubborn a clog gets, the more expensive the plumbing issue will be to repair. That’s why it’s vital that you know the warning signs of a drain issue. These telltale signs include:

  • Water backing up in or outside your home
  • Sudden, frequent leaks in your home
  • Slower than usual draining of tubs or faucets
  • An unpleasant odor coming from your drain or pipes
  • Peeling paint or staining in plumbing areas

The Trouble with Liquid Drain Cleaners

The Trouble with Liquid Drain Cleaners

Now, before calling us, you may be tempted to handle the clog yourself. You might go as far as to pick up a bottle of chemical drain cleaner from the local store. But—though advertising implies otherwise—these toxic liquids are not safe for you or your pipes. If used regularly, these corrosive substances can eat away at your pipes, leading to a much more expensive problem.

So, while that bottle is a lot cheaper than our service call, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • Liquid Cleaners and Toilets Don’t Mix: Many chemical cleaners use heat to dissolve clogs and congealed substances. But this reaction won’t work on most toilet clogs, leaving the substance to settle on the bottom of the bowl. The increased temperature can crack the porcelain.
  • Drain Cleaners Aren’t Eco-Friendly: Though there are “green” options out there, most drain cleaners are harmful to health and the environment. Because they are so dangerous to breathe, it’s best not to use them in homes with pets or children.
  • Not a Guaranteed Fix: There’s nothing on the bottle that promises your drains will flow freely again. Some cleaners only work on certain clog types. Hiring a professional plumber, however, ensures that the obstruction will be removed. It also ensures the fix is a permanent one, not a band-aid in a bottle.

If your drain is clogged, don’t resort to chemical warfare. Just call Mesa’s go-to plumbing experts—BSJ Plumbing.

Our Drain Cleaning Services in Mesa

Our Drain Cleaning Services in Mesa

Clearing Area Floor Drains

Basement and utility rooms often rely on floor drains for drainage. You also see them a lot in commercial locations. Debris often gets into these low points and can clog the pipes beneath. If you find yours is caked with hair or refusing to drain properly, give 480-325-0886 a call. We’ll come out and inspect the pipe, determine the issue’s cause, and clear any obstructions.

Drain Clearing for Sinks

Laundry and kitchen sinks must be kept in great condition for a functional home. If you notice either refusing to drain, reach out to us by phone or form. Our Mesa-area plumbers will arrive promptly and uncover the source of the issue. We’ll then clear the clog and test it for any other issues.

Toilet Stoppage

If a plunger won’t clear a toilet clog, it’s time to call in the professionals. Neglecting to do so can lead to backups and raw sewage seeping into your home. When you call us, you can rest easy knowing our plumber can quickly unblock the toilet and get it back to prime-operating condition. So, if you’re tired of a toilet that won’t flush in Mesa, we invite you to schedule a drain cleaning.

Main Drain and Sewer Lines

Sewer line issues are complex and can impact your home’s entire plumbing system. Unfortunately, many homeowners mistake this major issue for something much more minor. This can lead the unseen sewer blockage to grow, leading to further damage. This is why it’s so vital to hire a professional plumber at the first sign of a plumbing issue. He or she can quickly pinpoint a septic line or sewer issue and treat the root cause. That means less money wasted on band-aid fixes.

Video Drain Inspections

Keeping your home’s drains clean isn’t always easy. And, when you fail to do so, pinpointing the exact location of a blockage can be difficult. That’s where our camera systems come in. While at your home, our plumber will use a flexible camera to take a peek down your pipes. This gives us a close-up on what’s causing the obstruction, allowing us to select the perfect tools to remove it.

Water Jetting

Hydro jetting uses high-velocity water to remove tree roots and other hard obstructions. Since no chemicals are involved, it doesn’t damage your pipes or cause any long-lasting damage, In many cases, this can erase the need for trenching and pipe replacement. With 24 years of hydro jetting experience, BSJ Plumbing LLC’s plumbers are true clog removal experts. Visit this page to learn more about hydrojetting in Mesa.

Drain Maintenance

We provide comprehensive drain maintenance programs throughout the Mesa, Gilbert, and Chandler areas. We recommend having your drains serviced regularly. This will help prevent the formation of large-scale obstructions that can shatter pipes and affect your entire plumbing system.

What You Can Do to Avoid Clogged Drains

What You Can Do to Avoid Clogged Drains

There are a few things homeowners in the Mesa area can do to lessen the chance of drain blockage. These simple solutions include:

  • Installing a Hair Stopper in the Shower: You’d be surprised how often a clog is nothing more than a ball of hair. Installing a drain cover or hair stopper will only cost a couple of dollars. These go between your drain and the pipe, allowing you to fish hair out before its washed into your pipes.
  • Add a Lint Trap to Your Washer’s Drain Line: You probably didn’t think about what happens to all the dirt and debris from the clothes you wash, but you should. These items are often washed out of the pipe at the machine’s back and into the sewer line. Installing a lint trap where the two meet, can prevent the fabric from clogging up your main sewer line.
  • Add a Food Stopper: If you don’t have a garbage disposal, then a food stopper is a must-have. This small piece of metal is placed over your drain to stop anything but water from flowing through. With one of these installed, the constant need for drain cleaning will go away.
  • Regularly Rinse Your Drains: Create a mixture of warm water and vinegar once a month. Pour this down the drains. Then, turn the hot water on to wash the bubbling liquid throughout your plumbing system. This will help dislodge any debris.

Trust Us to Clear Your Drains in Chandler and Mesa

Trust Us to Clear Your Drains in Chandler and Mesa

While technical plumbing knowledge is important, it’s not the most vital characteristic of a good plumber. Almost every company worth their license can handle a drain problem. What you need, however, is a plumbing company that puts you first. We promise to make clearing your clog our top priority. We also will treat your home with the respect it deserves. We will not damage your home or track mud through it. When it comes to making you smile, our plumbing contractors have the winning solution.

To schedule a drain cleaning in Mesa, reach out to us by form or phone. If you’re not sure we’re the plumber for you, we invite you to view reviews from our other happy customers.

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